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Бог умерЯет ветер для стриженого ягнёнка // Судьба покровнтельствует слабым.

Gray was wiped out. "And what about you, Elliot ?" I asked. "Oh, I'm not complaining," he answered air1ly. "God tempers the wind to the shorn Jamb." I did not question him further, for his financial affairs were no business of mine, but whatever his losses were I presumed that like the rest of us he had suffered. (Maugham)

Oh, darling, what's the good of worrying? lf we can't afford to go on in the old way, we've got to adJUSt ourselves to the new. Temper the wind to the shorn lamb, or is it the other way round? Му God, we're shorn all right ... fleeced in fact. Left, right, and center (Но/1)

"Linda goes о/Т and has th1s glorious time in Paris, and comes back covered with rich furs, while you and I - what do we get for sticking all our lives to the same dreary old husbands? Three-quarter-lenght shorn lamb." "Aifred isn't а dreary old husband," I said loyally. But of course I knew exactly what she meant. (Mitford)